The real winner's in yesterday's elections was not the Republican party, but the principles that most Americans have come to live by each and everyday. With the economic changes that have come about in the last year, many Americans have reverted back to "common sense".
I think what Americans are realizing that if it appears too good to be true, it probably is. Last November, people heard words like "hope", "change", "cooperation", "healthcare reform", etc. This sounded good, simple, and idealistic. Most did not bother to look beyond the "words" and consider the "deeds" of the man they were electing for President. (How ironic that Obama's congratulatory call to Karzi emphasized "deeds", not "words" matter.) "Change" and "Hope" simply turned out to be more "Tax" and "Spend".
People of NJ and Virgina last night voted not for party, but Common Sense. Fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, and business friendly policies. The "angry mobs" (as Nancy Pelosi calls them) came out in droves to support Common Sense. It will be critical that the new Governors can follow through. It won't be easy...ingrained programs, Washington heavy-handiness, depleted revenues will force them to make tough choices that will be spinned as "uncaring" and "hard-hearted". But, if they stand on the principle and common sense that got them elected, those same people that supported them yesterday will support them in the future.
Hopefully, between the town halls and the elections yesterday, many members of Congress will be more afraid of their constituents, than Nancy Pelosi and select principle over party in upcoming critical votes.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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