Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
- P. J. O'Rourke
If 'pro' is the opposite of 'con' what is the opposite of 'progress'?
- Paul Harvey
Well, well, well, Dingy Harry, Countrywide Dodd, and Implant Schumer were all tingly with the thought of "whiskey and car keys" last night after twisting arms and laying the hammer down on fence straddling Democrats on the Senate's version of the Healthcareless Bill.
Pats on the back all around that this is only going to "cost" $849 Billion over 10 yrs and save money!
(OK, so we're going to spend $849 Billion to "save" $127 Billion? Nevermind that we have NEVER correctly estimated the costs of a government program before...)
This will provide insurance to 31 million Americans who don't have insurance today!
(But the President in his address to Congress said that there were 30 million who didn't have insurance? So, this will cover 1 million Americans who already have insurance?)
This bill will extend coverage to 94% of Americans!
(85% of Americans are covered today, so we are spending $849 Billion to cover 9%?)
We will "save" money by rooting out $400 Billion in Medicare and Medicaid fraud!
(Really? We haven't been able to "root" out fraud in the last 40 years...these guys must be good!)
We will also save money by allowing the 21% cuts in payments to doctors to take effect!
(But, not really...because in separate Bill, we will spend another $200 Billion to make it up?)
This is great! All those years of taking math in school and college, my teachers had it wrong! To SAVE more, I have to SPEND more. I sure hope my wife gets me one of these "Democratic Calculators" for Christmas so I begin using it to pay my bills and taxes in 2010. Boy, 2010 is going to be a GREAT YEAR!
BTW...the Post Office lost $3.8 Billion last year....
Question...What's more confusing than the Healthcare Bill?
Answer: Father's Day at the Obama household! (How many are there?)
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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