Every generation needs a new revolution. Thomas Jefferson
With the state of the economy, jobs are not only hard to find, but hard to keep as well. Workers that still have jobs are feeling the pressure to do more with the same resources as well as careful not to make any costly mistakes. In the "real" world, companies are expected to make money or at worst, not lose money. Even in a good economy, performance and efficiency are key. Employees who can't meet standards have to be let go. For years, the "pink slip" has been the symbol of firings or layoffs when companies can't sustain the poor performance or inefficiency.
Now Joseph Farah, founder of the website WorldNetDaily, has come up with a great idea! As a reminder to Congress as to who they work for, you can now send members of Congress their "pink slips". (Here is link to the site.) It is estimated that about 5 million pink slips have been sent to Congress so far! Even CNN had to acknowledge the story...
- Don't like out of control spending? Send them a "pink slip".
- Unhappy with the Healthcare Bill, Cap & Trade? Send them a "pink slip".
- Tired of Congress putting party over principles? Send them a "pink slip".
Congress must NEVER, NEVER forget that they are employees of their constituents! Maybe its time they live in the "real" world for a change where PERFORMANCE does matter. 233 years ago, men and women died, bled, and put their neck in a noose for freedom and liberty against tyrannical rule such that we have in Washington today.
With 7.2 million having lost their jobs and unemployment at least at 10.2%, 535 more jobs lost is not that big of a deal. Besides, with Congress' stellar record and performance, I'm sure they won't have any trouble finding work...
Now Joseph Farah, founder of the website WorldNetDaily, has come up with a great idea! As a reminder to Congress as to who they work for, you can now send members of Congress their "pink slips". (Here is link to the site.) It is estimated that about 5 million pink slips have been sent to Congress so far! Even CNN had to acknowledge the story...
- Don't like out of control spending? Send them a "pink slip".
- Unhappy with the Healthcare Bill, Cap & Trade? Send them a "pink slip".
- Tired of Congress putting party over principles? Send them a "pink slip".
Congress must NEVER, NEVER forget that they are employees of their constituents! Maybe its time they live in the "real" world for a change where PERFORMANCE does matter. 233 years ago, men and women died, bled, and put their neck in a noose for freedom and liberty against tyrannical rule such that we have in Washington today.
With 7.2 million having lost their jobs and unemployment at least at 10.2%, 535 more jobs lost is not that big of a deal. Besides, with Congress' stellar record and performance, I'm sure they won't have any trouble finding work...
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