Last Thursday, a horrific tragedy happened at Ft. Hood, TX. that left 13 dead and 30 more wounded. The "perp", a 39 year old Muslim Army psychiatrist, Maj. Nidal Hasan, opened fire in a crowded readiness center and is believed to have discharged his weapons more than 100 times, before a courageous female police officer took him down. Unfortunately, his date with 72 virgins will have to wait as he is recovering from his wounds.
As soon as the name was made public, my anger went through the roof! How did the Army let this kook get to this level? Then further reports and interviews surface that colleages had known about his feelings for months! Why did they not report him? Two words, "Political Correctness". How dare we show suspicion towards someone of the Muslim faith...that would be "polictically incorrect" or "insensitive"!
Then, I switched around the channels for other coverage. Within 1 hour of the shootings, CNN and MSNBC were taking the "war stress syndrome" angle and that must have been what made him snap! Obviously, the 2 wars that the evil Bush/Cheney regime had gotten us into had caused this to happen. Really? You mean the fact that it would be pretty hard to have "war stress syndrome" if you had never been deployed? Would it kill ya CNN and MSNBC to actually report the truth for a change?
President Barack "Hussien" Obama then made a statement that (after giving shout-outs to peeps) that we shouldn't jump to conclusions just because of the man's name and faith. Really? Now that we have found ties to Al Qaeda, or that in June of 2007 when he was supposed to give a presentation on medical related issues to a group of senior staff at Walter Reed hospital, he instead gave a lecture on "The Koranic World View as it Relates to the U.S. Military". Will you President Obama, have the courage to speak to the remaining family and friends at Ft. Hood and tell the hard cold truth? The truth that this was not an "Overseas Contengency Operation - Man-made Event", but an act of terrorism on American soil? Will you have the guts to call it like it is or will you continue to show distain for the very men and women that you propose to lead?
Pardon me Mr. President for jumping to conclusions, but I remember 9/11....DO YOU?
God Bless the families who are grieving today from this heinous act that could have been stopped. God Bless the men and women of our Armed Forces and their families who sacrifice so much for us.
The Upside Of A Terminal Illness
21 hours ago
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