Being my first blog, I figured the title "Obama Naked", using two of the most googled words would get some attention. However, it not just a ploy to attract readers, but a revelation that President Obama has now shed his centrist clothes and is now running around in his liberal "all togetherness".
In the South, the term "naked" is pronounced two different ways, each with different meanings:
Naked – Simply means you don’t have on any clothes as in, "I was born naked."
Nekkid – This means you don’t have on any clothes and you are up to something…in, "That dancer at Joe’s bachelor party was Nekkid!"
Somehow, I think President Obama is "Nekkid". During the campaign, Sen. Obama won hearts and minds with "Hope" and "Change". "A new day and new way of doing things in Washington!" "No pork barrel spending, no lobbyists, an air of transparency." "Accountability and responsibility!" WOW! Could it be that this young, handsome, eloquent candidate be just what we need to FINALLY change Washington? Can we hope for a government not beholding to special interests and lobbyists? A government that is by the people, for the people, of the people (Obama is from Illinois, Lincoln was from Illinois)? A government that works together in a bipartisan way, looking for root cause of problems, and crafting well-thought out solutions?
We were snookered! Hoodwinked! Spammed!
From key appointments (Tax Cheats, Racial Dividers, etc.), to fiscal policy, and government provided health care, Barack Obama has exposed himself for what he truly is….Socialist idealogue. I see no evidence that he believes in the individual achievement, but "spread the wealth" mentality. He is not about hope and change, but fear and the same old liberal mentality that government is answer. We are in heap, deep do-do if "We The People" don’t rise up and at least let our so-called representatives in Washington know our concerns. The only thing Washington fears is losing its power, so contact your Representative, your Senator, and make your voice heard while you still have a voice.
I am getting tired everyday of looking at the "Nekkid" Obama.
Friday, March 6, 2009
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