"Commit Hari-Kari!" (love that one :) )
I must admit that I was impressed by the synonyms that members of Congress were able to summon to express their collective "outrage". However, Congress is made up mostly of lawyers, so the gift of gab shouldn’t be impressive, just par for the course.
So what is the fuss all about? Well, it seems that an organization that on the surface looked productive and serving the needs of its stakeholders was really just a shell game, taking risky moves and poor decisions and directed by a few fueled by greed and lust for power! Wait a minute…I’m confused…are we talking about AIG or Congress?
For members of Congress to lambast AIG for poor decisions and frivolous waste to the taxpayer’s money is the typical "pot calling the kettle black." For the life of me I can’t see how members of Congress could make the statements on national TV with a straight face. I kept expecting the staff members standing in the background to breakout in sniggles and laughter. But since no one was laughing, I came to one of two conclusions:
1) Either these members of Congress are so stupid and dense, that they don’t even realize the hypocrisy and truly think that they mean what they say or
2) They are so smart and full of bullshit that these arrogant and pompous bastards truly understand that they can play that popular game now taking America by storm, WEALTH ENVY!
Unfortunately, my guess is on #2. Now, I do not stand with AIG and think that paying out bonuses when you have had by all admission a "shitty year". Shame on AIG management and board of directors! However, they do have a contract and for Washington to arbitrarily void contracts is very, VERY dangerous!
But let’s look at who really should be fired (or commit ‘Hari-Kari’) based on performance:
- $11 Trillion dollars in debt.
- $2 Trillion spent in last 60 days.
- $1.7 million recently authorized to study pig odor.
- 9,000 earmarks worth $8.5 billion in recent Omnibus bill.
- $787 billion spent to "stimulate" the economy…in 2010?, 2011?, 2012?
- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac debacle.
- Social Security going broke because money was borrowed to fund other projects such as pig odor studies.
- Medicare going broke.
- Medicaid in shambles.
- Tax cheats running finance and tax committees. Tax cheat head of the IRS!
- Corruption, lobbyists, campaign fund irregularities
- Automatic pay raises on $178,000 salary + staff expenses + insurance + pension + dozens of other little "perks".
Now who is taking the American taxpayer for a ride? I say, "Outrageous!"
Watch this YouTube video and be "outraged":
Scandals, the Bubblegum Pink Resistance, and Lawfare
10 hours ago
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